The Wake Forest School of Medicine MD graduates set the standard for compassionate, collaborative care and innovation in biomedical advances locally, nationally and globally. Gifts from our alumni help us continue our tradition of providing a rigorous, transformational and supportive educational experience.
Your contributions offer assistance for future physicians who will ignite life-changing discoveries and deliver care through their purpose and passion.
There are many ways to make a lasting gift that will honor the heritage and support the future of the Wake Forest School of Medicine.
"Once I found out about the scholarship, it was extremely helpful knowing that I would have help going through these next few years at Wake Forest University School of Medicine."
Forrest Parrot, MD Class of 2024
M. Jennings Clingan, MD and Scott A. Clingan, PA Endowed Scholar
M. Jennings Clingan, MD and Scott A. Clingan, PA Endowed Scholar